Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sewing challenge??

OK, so The Sewing Weekly challenge this week is UFO, aka, unfinished objects. As a now and again seamstress, I usually have one or two things that never seem to get my attention enough to finish them. This week's challenge might help me solve that little problem. I have had a 1950's style skirt partially finished for about 4 years. I know, I know, why not just finish the thing. Well, you see it has a full circle skirt and to do the hem justice, I really needed to hem it by hand....have I mention how much I HATE hand sewing!! As a teenager, I wouldn't even sew on a button without using the machine. 

But I finally decided to let go of my hatred and while sitting after dinner decided to hem my skirt. It turned out beautifully and I now have a great skirt to wear out and about. Here is a shot of the skirt. 

Here's to more UFO's getting finished this week!!

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